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During this continuing time of COVID, less social activities, more care giving and weather changes, I find myself pausing to reflect on what I wish to project to those around me. Life isn't always easy or always fair, but my reaction to the situations is a choice. I stop to recharge myself to reflect who I am and how I want others to feel around me. I don't want to be the added downer. There is plenty of that. I don't want to be unrealistic, Polly Anna, BUT I do want to recognize the strength and posistive outlook that is the core of me.

Take a pause today and jot down the words that reflect you, or paint the picture, sketch the scene.

Have fun. And stay save.


I am a mountain by the sea

waves crashing into me,

tides rising and falling against me,

the moon shining on me

And still I stand.

I am a mountain.

The rains pour down on me

creating crevices, valleys, terraces,

changing my shape, rearranging me

And still I stand.

I am a mountain

My tip hidden in clouds,

But I’m still there tall, chiseled, powerful

reaching for the stars.

And still I am seen.

I am a mountain

with holes in my sides

where trees have been torn out,

My sides changed forever,

My pain going deep into my core.

And still I stand.

I am a mountain

Old, tired, breaking bit by bit,

Pieces of me falling away into the sea.

I hold on, rooted to my mother earth

knowing my day will come

to return to the sea.

But today I get courage

from all I have seen

from all I know

from what I must pass on.

So I stand tall, bent, brused,

holes in my heart and soul

But I still stand for you.

Tina Cole Kreitz


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