It's My Circus
As the season approaches - rapidly - remember this is your circus.
You can control a great deal of the stress and strain. You can enjoy
the time with family and friends. Leave your backpack of old hurts and
regrets at the door.
Take a deep breathe. Savor the sights and smells. Recognize all you
have done to make this a "wonderful time of the year' and reach out
to some one alone so they, too, can feel the magic of the season.
I also take time to pause and realize, this is my circus and these are my monkeys.
I create the kind of circus I want to be master of. You can too.
Let's try for the jolly, fun, laughter filled, tension tamer one.
At least we can try. It will make for better memories.
A few of my wonderful monkeys!
Happy holidays
Keep your sense of humor!