Wow, I just completed the application for the Creator Awards.
This included a video, way out of my comfort zone.
That said, I did it. With fear and uncertainty in my heart, I pushed enter and send.
No going back now. At least I helped the age demographic for entries!
Isn't that brave?
You, too, are brave. We get up every day to face new trials, joys,
hurts and loves. It would be much easier to stay put and never
exceed our expectations. But, in my opinion, we are then cheating
ourselves and living our unfulfilled potential.
We are brave even when we don't see it in ourselve.
It is brave, too, to acknowledge we will die one day. Who knows when.
Doesn't matter. We know it will happen.
Why not prepare? Make your own decisions. Give away your treasures to
who you wish. Dance until you can dance no more.
This taking a chance and leaping into the unknown becomes easier as you do it.
I suggest we all begin with one little leap, face our first fear.
Tomorrow it can be bigger. Just a little one today.
You can always enter a contest!