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Listen with and Open Heart

Nobody, who has not been in the interior of a family, can say what the difficulties of any individual of that family may be.

Jane Austen

As I work with families preparing their Last Gift Box, I remind myself of this Jane Austin

quote. As a visitor in a family, I am talking to them about some of the hardest decisions they will make in their lives, I remind myself I do not know all the history or pains or joys these people have experienced. It is easier for me to raise the difficult questions as I am an “outsider”.

When dealing with my family and my wishes and directives, I am the “ insider” and I try to keep in mind that each of those I love come to the discussion with some old hurts and misunderstandings. I try hard to keep my heart open and recognize how difficult this “death talk” is for all of us. I don’t want to leave, especially right now, and they don’t want to even think I will one day.

Facing the reality of death with good listening skills for all is the gift that will keep on giving.

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